Saturday, May 1, 2010

Composite "Borrowing"

The women of Alpha Phi at Oregon State University, along with many other chapters on campus, have a tradition of "borrowing" composites, large pictures containing the entire chapter's professional portraits, from neighboring fraternities. However, the Alpha Phi women must first devise a plan of entry, being as sneaky as possible (hence the black clothes), for the boys are almost always ready to retaliate with methods such as water balloons and buckets of flour. After successfully "capturing" the composites, the A-Phi girls decorate them back at the chapter house. Each year, this crazy (and messy!) event brings the Alpha Phi women closer together and gives the fraternity boys a taste of their own pranking medicine. Pictured above: Some Alpha Phi women after "capturing" the composites and being doused in flour in the process. Pictured below: All the Alpha Phi women ready to start composite "borrowing".

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