Saturday, May 31, 2014

Red Dress Gala

Tonight was our annual Red Dress Gala!! All proceeds went to the Alpha Phi Foundation, which supports and raises awareness for women's heart health. We had so much fun with the silent auction and socializing with sisters, family, and alumnae!! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Greek Week 2014

Every spring term at Oregon State, all of the Greek community puts together Greek Week, a week long event where every sorority and fraternity on campus compete in fun events and raise money for charity! This year, OSU did a remake of "The Hunger Games," creating ten Districts made up of three or four chapters each. Alpha Phi was in District 3 with fraternities Delta Chi and Sigma Pi. All proceeds from this week long event went to the Jackson Street Youth Center in Corvallis.

The Greek Week 2014 schedule went as follows:
Sunday: Opening Ceremony & guest speakers
Monday: Jackson Street Day of Service
Tuesday: All Greek picture & All American Block Party
Wednesday: Annual Corvallis Police & Fire Department vs. Greek softball game at Chimtimini Park
Thursday: Greek Olympics Field Day & Closing Ceremony

And the news you all have been waiting for...... The Greek Week Champs this year were yours truly, District 3!!! We raised the most money and participated in the most events this week! Way to go Phis!!

(Where's the Phis? You can spot us in our light pink letters in the top left corner of the all Greek photo!)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sing 2014

Friday night was Oregon State's annual Greek event, Sing! Each sorority gets paired up with a fraternity, and for 15 weeks they practice a routine of singing and dancing to 3 songs to be performed at Gill Coliseum during Mom's Weekend.

This year, Alpha Phi teamed up with the men of Phi Delta Theta and practiced their routine to some classics by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts for at least 6 hours a week. Our girls and their amazing coaches put in so much of their time and effort into perfecting the dance, and their performance was spectacular! We could not be more proud!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Willamette Park Clean Up

Today, some of our sisters joined forces with the macho men of SAE to clean up Willamette Park! We planted trees, picked up trash, hacked away at invasive blackberry bushes, and laid down mulch to improve pathways for hikers. Alpha Phi loves helping to make our world even more beautiful!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Western Leadership Conference

Our Executive Council flew to Salt Lake City for the 2014 Alpha Phi Western Leadership Conference to participate in an intensive leadership training program and network with officers of other chapters.

Friday, December 6, 2013

First Annual Toy Drive

This year, Alpha Phi held its first annual toy drive, Toys for Tots! Money was raised and toys were collected to donate to the children of the Linn-Benton County. There were Christmas cookies, hot cocoa, snowflake decorating, a beautiful Christmas tree, and caroling to some seasonal classics. Even Santa made an appearance to take photos with everyone!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dad's Weekend

Dad's Weekend this year was full of fun activities! The girls and their dads enjoyed the football game against University of Southern California on Friday and the costume contest on Saturday.